
Performance Medical - one of the best equipped service departments, and our systems specialists augment their factory training and years of experience with many makes of equipment with continual training
Pride In Our Service
Performance Medical Group supports its customers on a number of levels.
Relocation of existing imaging equipment to include all modalities.
Performance Medical Group is fully licensed, bonded and insured to handle moving customer’s equipment
Our primary goal is to support each client at every possible level to ensure efficient department operations on a daily basis, and future operating performance as your imaging department grows, or evaluates the introduction of new technologies.
To ensure smooth Daily Operations you can expect timely and unsurpassed support from our:
Sales Department
Equipment Service Team
Processor and Chemistry Team
If your department is in need of Temporary Services, think of us for:
Interum Services Leases
Many of our clients prefer the comfort of an Equipment Maintenance Program, for which we offer:
Asset Management Program
When considering department level changes, our specialized teams are available to answer all your questions and point you in the right direction:
System Upgrades
As the areas most experienced and respected medical imaging provider, Performance Medical Imaging brings all of its resources to your practice.
Interim Services Leases – all equipment such as trailers with CT, MRI, CathLabs; all of which we have experience in performing. Service is provided on all items included in the lease payment.
Networking Solutions
We place emphasis on new technology integration and future performance
Currently, planning, designing, and implementing a network or an upgrade is an intimidating task even for established companies with an IT department. Performance Medical creates customized networking solutions designed around your unique business needs. We offer flexible networking services that are mandatory for the success of any business.
Our stable solutions are coupled with delivering better performance. Further, our scalable network solutions can be tailor-made based on the changing business needs.
We have a track record of helping our clients to realize the benefits of networking through improved business flexibility, reduced costs, and increased productivity. Performance Medical understands your needs and offers the best-customized networking services to meet your company objectives.